Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 3 and 4

Week 3 and 4

Biscuit's Notes: I am starting to catch on to life in this house.  I have learned to run down to the basement when I want out....which means I have a lot of accidents in the basement :-(  when I sneak down or run too fast.  I love to run, I have so much energy.  I wake up each morning wanting to run, run, run.  I am getting used to that kennel, but I don't like to stay in it too long because I want to run, run, run.  I am also not supposed to chew EVERYTHING, even though EVERYTHING looks like it is for me to chew.  I am getting better at walking on a leash, guess what?  I even went to the mall on one of those snow days and walked and walked and walked.  We saw lots of people.  I was a happy puppy that day, in fact I love ALL snow days becuase then I am not trapped in that kennel, AND there is snow!  Look an extra picture of me playing in the snow:  I mastered the bunny hop because it was so deep!
Lia's Notes:  I can't decide if I love or hate this thing.  I am VERY jelouse of him!  He gets all the good food, the good bones and seems to get all the attention, and the special trips.  I hate being left behind.  However, I do like having a playmate to run around in the snow.  I like to steal his bones (ha ha!!), and then I really don't mind when he just wants to long as I can keep the bone.

Susan's Notes:  Wow!  I can't believe that a month has flown by already.  Sitting here looking at his first and newest pictures, he sure has grown.  I wish he was doing better house breaking, but we are getting there.  He is doing pretty well with all other training though.  In fact we met our trainer, Ron, in Cranberry this weekend to learn a few new tricks and get more practice in public and he was doing great.  Ron gave us homework to practice:  heal, sit, attention.  We are also looking into even more classes!  He is a lot of work, but every now and then I will look over and he is doing something silly like watching TV or Reading a book (ok I admit that picture was completely staged, but check out the bonus pic below which IS real: where he just fell asleep on the bookcase!  He has a pillow and soft cushy slippers right there and he falls asleep on the bookshelf!), these are the things that really make me smile.

 Bonus Picture:  

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