Friday, June 20, 2014

7 Months Old

Biscuit's Notes:  I don't wanna grow up!  I love to chase my tail and chase balls, and chase the big dog and I REALLY want to chase the running kids.  My human keeps using words like sit, down, stay.  I want to make her happy so I do what she wants, but......I look at everyone else having fun and I want to play too.  My favorite word?  Free!  Then I know it is time to play.  I was in the puppy class at school and I was the STAR!  I loved those other puppies, I loved going to class and playing.  Now, the classes have changed.  The dogs are older.  They are more serious.  I have to pay attention, until it is time to be FREE!  Then I can chase my tail, and balls, and the other dogs.......but I am never allowed to chase the kids.  I know that.  I am a good dog.

Lia's Notes:  I am the most patient dog in the world.  I am the good dog here.  Every time the puppy is told to do something, I do it FASTER!  Then I get his treat,  then he watches me, does it and gets another treat.  No fair.  Who say's you can't teach an old dog new tricks?  I am learning a lot too.  I am learning to sit, stay and NOT growl and bark at the ringing of the door bell.  I am learning to laugh at the puppy EVERY single time he thinks he finds a new toy!  It is hillarious because it really is either:  A.  The toy I hid from him or B.  His tail!  His TAIL!  He will chase that thing, roll over and play with it and thinks it is the best toy ever.  He is soooo funny!  My own personal entertainment system, and I deserve treats for all my learning too.  Plus I'm faster.

Susan's Notes:   Over the last month Biscuit has really grown up.  He graduated from puppy class but I think his whole attitude is starting to mature.  He is not such a baby anymore, really starting to go from puppy to dog before my eyes.  Classes and demands are getting harder and longer (aiming for a ten to twenty minute stay!) and some days we get there and others we have to go back to the basics but I am learning to be very patient and focus on building on those basics.  Down and stay are his hardest commands, especially when there are various "distractions".  We practice as much as we can and he is getting better and better.  Above you see him in our local Barnes and Nobles as I check out all the new books (that was so nice to finally have time for!), and practicing under at the local pharmacy as I wait for a prescription (for a sinus infection, I really DON'T have time for :-)  As we go into the next month we have a lot to look forward to and keep learning.  Biscuit LOVES water and we will soon venture to the neighborhood lake, we are taking a vacation to see our cousins and visit the BEACH (did I say BEACH!?), so we will see how learning to swim goes.  He also has started novice training classes and these are a step up and I hope he (and I) can learn a lot and prepare him even more for what is to come.  Can't wait.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

6 Months Old

Biscuit's Notes:  Look at me!  I am making that pillow shrink.  I have been going to school, no not just Susan's school......but I get to go to classes where I learn too!  I like to see all the other dogs there and show off all the stuff I am really good at like sit and stay.  I have even mastered DOWN! I don't like that they are teaching my human so much though, she keeps asking me to do more, and now I have to lay down and wait up to 5 minutes for my food!  It is tough, but I am getting pretty good at being more and more patient with her.  I also love that we are getting outside more, playing, walking and going new places.  But then there are my favorite times when we get to "play" favorite games are under and hide and go seek....I am really really good at those two!  I will even play when I am not asked to.  I am so smart.

Lia's Notes:  Ok, it's not fair.  Biscuit gets to go everywhere.  I have started giving my human my saddest looks when they leave, and after the door shuts, I run outside to sit at the gate and watch them, just in case they forgot me.  It's not fair. I like it better when they are both home, then I can sit on the furniture and show Biscuit who is boss, or run him over in the grass and show him who is boss or steal his toys and show him who is boss.  Who's the boss, is MY favorite game.

Susan's Notes:  Ok I know this month's post is a little late but my only excuse is that I have been BUSY (and that is an understatement).  Luckily I can take Biscuit almost everywhere with me, and he has been so matter where we go.  He went to the hair salon and braved the hair dryer, he went to McTeacher night and braved the kids and all the people, he went to Bingo at school and he has been going to school a LOT (he knows that routine well, as I have been putting in a lot of extra hours).  He has gone to restaurants, shopping and to professional events and I am always very proud of how well he behaves.  I have gotten better about saying "Sorry, no you can't pet him" and have received many compliments about how good he is.  I hope he can keep improving, and we will have to keep working on him because he is far from ready yet!

Special THANKS to the 'Wonderful Teacher' who was willing to take Biscuit on!  Unfortunately there are times when I have to leave him behind little sister got married in Aruba and Biscuit got to stay with a wonderful teacher friend, her two little girls and a CAT!   She tells me that he was well behaved, BUT I know he is a 6 month old puppy that is almost as big as her littlest one!  I am sure that the combination of those two at times lead to a LOT of energy in the room.  I also love to see him with the can see he thought that the cat wanted to play hide and seek too!  That is something we will have to work on with him.  Thank you wonderful teacher friend!